Tecnological House Home Tech Tech Home – What Can Be Automated

Tech Home – What Can Be Automated

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Missed the beginning of your favorite television show because you were busy watering plants? Or how about that time when you left home only to rush back quickly because you had forgotten to turn off the heater?

With home automation, household chores are no more the bane of daily life. These smart homes make life simple and the house, modern! Tech homes are the new wonders of science hitting the market.
The home technology can be used for systems ranging from lighting to security to heating, cooling and ventilation. Humidity can also be controlled through this system. Following are some of the ways in which automation can be used:

In automated homes, specific time can be set at which sprinklers can turn on and then automatically turned off. Driveway can be set so that when the car is pulled into the drive way, garage door automatically unlocks and closes for parking of car. At any time of the day, outdoor temperature can be easily measured and displayed on your television screen.

Home theatre and Entertainment:
Home automation does away with the hassle of struggling with many remotes for television, lighting. Only one touch-screen remote has to be used which automatically adjusts volume, lighting when you sit down to watch your favorite show on the T.V. You can preset the automation system to record your desired show, while you are away.

If you are not home, the electronic home will take care of the security itself and take security measures. The system can turn on lighting so an outsider would think the house is still occupied. TV and stereo can be turned on and channels can be automatically changed to depict that feeling of occupancy in your home.

These smart homes are fully armed with motion, and floor and door sensors to accommodate lighting and audio settings of television/stereo as you move around your home. It detects which room you are in and the stereo automatically turns on the speakers.

House chores and errands:
What might have seemed a bit far-fetched a few years ago is now possible. Home technology now saves you from having to run to grocery store for petty items such as a detergent of toothpaste, for that matter! The scheduler in the system keeps a track of the grocery and orders from the store to save you from an extra trip to the mart.

These smart homes will truly revolutionize how you sleep, eat and carry out other activities. Home chores done in blink of an eye and that too in an interesting and fun way!

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